I know what you are thinking … It is almost Summer and I am showing you a deal for Children Winter boots. But there is really never a better to by Winter styles than right now! This is when you can get amazing deals! Right now, you can get a pair of Children Style Winter Boots for just $25! That is $55 off the retail price! Click here to check this deal out for yourself from EXTOBOO!

After shooting our swimsuit makeovers back in May 2010, I thought I was full-blown beach ready: I’d been staring at swimsuits for weeks and knew exactly which ones I wanted to buy when they hit the stores. But you’re not officially ready for the beach until you’ve found the perfect cover-up, and I just discovered this from LESTORE and I’m so in love I need it in every color before I hit the sand!

These pictures make me want to skip the already-short wait for warm weather and hop on a plane this second, just so I can wear it. How cute does this girl look? It completely proves that looking chic and comfortable at the beach takes little to no effort at all.

Who said the bedroom was meant for sleeping?! This is for all you people in long-term relationships who have gotten into a routine, lack-lustre sex life that needs perking up. Or maybe you’re single and just bored of the same old method of seduction that’s far-removed from the roaring flames of a fiery romance, and resembles something closer to plain kindle-wood (the wood part being a bonus at this stage). However mundane your love-life has been, here are a few solutions to get things spiced up in your bedroom (which in turn will give you that twinkle in the eye during the day!).


“Doctor, Doctor! I need a jab to get my heart racing!” “Ooooh Nurse! What tight orifices you have!” Costumes are an easy and fun way to spice things up! There’s a huge selection of costumes and characters to choose from. From Nurses to Air-Hostesses to French Maids. There’s a plethora of naughty outfits to drive any man wild. Low Budget Option: Grab some band-aids and get sticking!! Ouch, hurts so good.

Slightly different from just dressing up in costume. Think of Samantha and Smith from Sex and the City: choose an alias, meet at a bar separately and seduce each other back to the bedroom! Different places, different stories and one heck of a good time!


Think outside the box! Think adventurous and risky! Where do you want to go today? How about on a balcony? In a Church confessional box? Say your Hail Marys and get cracking! But be quick! Someone might see you…which can add to the excitement!

Tie ‘em down! Give bondage a go! You just never know! Bit too S&M for you? There’s always fluffy handcuffs and the beautiful ‘Adults Only’ Boxset from Peter Alexander (they have international shipping!)

Strip poker anyone?

Why not record your memories – hey, it worked for Paris! Who knows, it just might earn you some extra money (to create your sequel of course!)


“I’m not wearing any panties.” If celebrities are taking to the streets partying without wearing any then its safe to say the same can be done on a date. Just imagine the look on your man’s face when you utter those words! Oh, and don’t let any stains on your dress worry you – it was never a problem for Monica Lewinsky, officially the first woman behind the presidential desk in the Oval Office! Power-play will keep you guessing as to the true depth of seducing prowess accessible by your partner.


Romantic candlelight dinner anyone? Honestly, when was the last time you had one of those? They only happen in the movies, right? WRONG! Dim the lights, get the candles out and put on some Barry White. All that romance will get more than just the candles burning!

Whether on purpose or intentional, while it may ummm feel good at the time – won’t look so hot the next day! So here are the top tips for hiding those love bites from the wrath of parents and the torment of co-workers!

1. Let your hair down
Yep, it can be that easy! Let those locks fall and make sure to sweep them in front of your shoulders! Only on one side? Tie it up in a side ponytail (a low one not a high one!) with a cute bauble hairtie! Hair not long enough? Don’t worry I’ve got some golden oldies and some new ideas for you!

2. The Scarf
Golden oldie #1. In winter this works perfectly – Summer however is a little harder to pull off. A pretty scarf of thin material tied up like a Air Hostess (think Miranda from Sex and the City) does just the trick too!

3. Turtlenecks
Golden oldie number 2! Slightly easier to pull off because there are some made of light material and are sleeveless! Fine for all seasons!

4. Fake Tattoo
Butterflys, celtic images – whatevs! Rub it on, rub it off! Will cover it up and spruce up your everyday look! Who knows, you might start a new trend amongst the unknowing!

5. Chunky Jewellery
Grab out the chunky gold chains from your grandma’s jewellery box! Wrap those long necklaces around, layer up a few of them as well! Those big beads are great and in so many colours to match with any outfit.

6. Nothing
Cover up? And not show the world just how lucky you get and how irresistable you are? Show it off like Paris Hilton!

Ever had a colleague drive you mad that you just had to call up a friend and make her listen to your annoyance? Say you were Andy in a Devil Wears Prada and you wanted to vent your frustrations about Emily or Miranda on the phone but didn’t want them to know you were talking about them, how would you do it?

After all love them or loath them, co-workers sometimes drive you insane. With there outrageous demands, insane behavior and interesting mood swings.

Here are some tips on how to talk about them on the phone even if they are within hearing distance.

1. Make up a nick name
With so many TV and movie character around there has to be one that bears either a striking physical resemblance or same mannerisms as them. Like two of the girls from work are such good friends that they sometimes remind of Romy and Michelle from Romy and Michelle’s High School Reunion. It helps that they’re both blonde too.

(We all know how much I like to call some of my colleague’s Patsy and Eddie, from Absolutely Fabulous because of the hair resemblance and the fact that when one say’s jump, the other asks how high.)

2. Have a code
Agree to a mutually understandable code for certain words. Like when Romy goes for a smoke break, you can tell your phone friend that “Romy is queuing up to get into hospital” – get it? Lung cancer.

Or when Michelle is wearing something gobsmackingly hideous, you can mention that “Michelle’s electricity went out again” – because she must have gotten dressed in the dark (and it definitely isn’t the first time).

3. Keep it simple but ironic
You don’t want to go too over the top. Otherwise everyone will think you’ve lost it

4. Keep the calls to once or at most twice a day
And try to have them at different times of the day. We wouldn’t want people to catch one now would we?

How to forget your bra

We’re off to a Chanel event, it’s almost the Hollywood award season. And we had our picture taken minus a bra.

Oops. Now that is going to be flashed all over the world thanks to the wonderful world of the internet.

Now did I lose it because…

1. I honestly just forgot to put one on.
Who knew the paparazzi lights would be so bright that it made my perfectly perky boobs show through. Oh no, what will my parents think. I wish I would turn back time.

2. I just had to stop by my boy toy’s house and get me some of that hot lovin’
His hotel suite was totally on the way to the lift. A girl has needs too and if I can just hitch up my dress that’s even better. No messing up my perfectly styled hair and professionally applied make up.

3. I just wanted to see what everyone would say about my boobs.
I’ve flashed other parts to the media before, but these babies never got a showing. Until now.

4. None of my bras went with what I was wearing.

5. Hey when did I put this on?
Ah whatever… give me another slug of whatever you’re drinking!