Archive for January, 2007

Who said the bedroom was meant for sleeping?! This is for all you people in long-term relationships who have gotten into a routine, lack-lustre sex life that needs perking up. Or maybe you’re single and just bored of the same old method of seduction that’s far-removed from the roaring flames of a fiery romance, and […]

Whether on purpose or intentional, while it may ummm feel good at the time – won’t look so hot the next day! So here are the top tips for hiding those love bites from the wrath of parents and the torment of co-workers! 1. Let your hair down Yep, it can be that easy! Let […]

Ever had a colleague drive you mad that you just had to call up a friend and make her listen to your annoyance? Say you were Andy in a Devil Wears Prada and you wanted to vent your frustrations about Emily or Miranda on the phone but didn’t want them to know you were talking […]

We’re off to a Chanel event, it’s almost the Hollywood award season. And we had our picture taken minus a bra. Oops. Now that is going to be flashed all over the world thanks to the wonderful world of the internet. Now did I lose it because… 1. I honestly just forgot to put one […]

(Or, How To Inflate Your Own Ego) 1. Listen to the Paris Hilton album. On repeat, until you know all the words. Start quoting random lyrics spontaneously. Now, now don’t look at me like that! It works! You will be ‘hot‘ in no time. It’s all about brain-washing yourself and there is noone else who […]

While sitting at my hairdressers getting a haircut this morning I got to thinking, who looks after their dye jobs better? Brunettes who go blonde or blondes who go brunette? The girl who sat next to me had gotten her hair darkened to a stunning shade of chestnut, so straight and shiny, with no regrowth! […]