Archive for the ‘Everyday life’ Category

Who said the bedroom was meant for sleeping?! This is for all you people in long-term relationships who have gotten into a routine, lack-lustre sex life that needs perking up. Or maybe you’re single and just bored of the same old method of seduction that’s far-removed from the roaring flames of a fiery romance, and […]

Ever had a colleague drive you mad that you just had to call up a friend and make her listen to your annoyance? Say you were Andy in a Devil Wears Prada and you wanted to vent your frustrations about Emily or Miranda on the phone but didn’t want them to know you were talking […]

We’re off to a Chanel event, it’s almost the Hollywood award season. And we had our picture taken minus a bra. Oops. Now that is going to be flashed all over the world thanks to the wonderful world of the internet. Now did I lose it because… 1. I honestly just forgot to put one […]